
XX Summer School

  Olga Abachieva  (State Museum of the History of the GULAG)
Head, Preservation Section, SMHG
  Konstantin Andreev (State Museum of the History of the GULAG)
Head, Research Division of the SMHG
Mail: lesruk@bk.ru
More: http://mediashm.ru/?p=6892
  Svetlana Bodrunova (SPbSU)
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Lecturer, Philological Faculty.
  Oleg Budnitsky (NRU HSE)
Dr.Habil. in History, Full Professor at School of History, Faculty of Humanities.
Mail: obudnitskiy@hse.ru
More: https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/22511135
  Elena Fanailova
Writer, translator, journalist.
Ещё: http://www.vavilon.ru/texts/fanailova0.html, https://www.svoboda.org/author/8071.html
  David Filipov (Washington Post)
Washington Post Bureau Chief in Moscow.
Mail: David.Filipov@washpost.com
See also: Washington Post,
  Ivan Grinko (MSSES)
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Master of Arts in Cultural Management; lecturer at MSSES.
  Elena Korkina (Marina Tsvetaeva Memorial House-Museum)
Candidate of Philological Sciences; Chief researcher at the Marina Tsvetaeva House-Museum, archivist, textologist. 
  Michael Kovnat
Head of Video/EP at Heleo Media.
  Elena Larina MSU
Candidate of Historical Sciences; Docent, Department of Ethnology, History Faculty.
  Holly Morris
Documentary director/producer; TV presenter.
Mikhail Pavlovets (NRU HSE)
Candidate of Philological Sciences; Docent, School of Philology, Faculty of Humanities.
Mail: mpavlovets@hse.ru
More: https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/133783514
  Elena Penskaya (NRU HSE)
Dr.Habil. in Philology; Professor, School of Philology, Faculty of Humanities; deputy editor-in-chief «Вопросы образования»
Mail: lpenskaya@hse.ru
More: https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/135526
” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”294″>  Pavel Polian (Nerler) (NRU HSE)
Dr.Habil. in Sociology; Professor, Director – Mandelstam Center Директор
Mail: pavel.polian@gmail.com
Еще: https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/8317783
  Elena Rozhdestvenskaya (NRU HSE)
Dr.Habil. in Sociology; Professor, Department of Sociology.
  Maria Rubins (University College London)
PhD, Senior Lecturer in Russian Literature 
Mail: m.rubins@ucl.ac.uk
  Dmitry Sporov (MSU)
Candidate of Historical Sciences; Head, Oral History Section, MSU Research Library.
  Sergey Strokan’ (“Коммерсант”)
See also: https://www.kommersant.ru/authors/39
  Ilya Venyavkin (InLiberty)
Historian of Soviet culture; founder of «Прожито» project; director at InLiberty
  Tatiana Weiser (RANEPA, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences)
PhD in Social Philosophy, Graduate Coordinator of M.A. Program in Political Philosophy (MSSES); Docent, Department of Sociology and Philosophy (RANEPA)
Mail: tianavaizer@yandex.ru
More: http://www.msses.ru/about/teachers/238
  James Wertsch (Washington University)
Ph.D. in Educational Psychology; Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology.
Mail: jwertsch@wustl.edu
 Yuri Zaretsky (NRU HSE) 
Dr. Habil. in History, Professor at School of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities.
Mail: yzaretsky@hse.ru