XX Summer School
Olga Abachieva (State Museum of the History of the GULAG) Head, Preservation Section, SMHG |
Konstantin Andreev (State Museum of the History of the GULAG) Head, Research Division of the SMHG Mail: lesruk@bk.ru More: http://mediashm.ru/?p=6892 |
Svetlana Bodrunova (SPbSU) Candidate of Philological Sciences, Lecturer, Philological Faculty. Mail:s.bodrunova@spbu.ru |
Oleg Budnitsky (NRU HSE) Dr.Habil. in History, Full Professor at School of History, Faculty of Humanities. Mail: obudnitskiy@hse.ru More: https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/22511135 |
Elena Fanailova Writer, translator, journalist. Ещё: http://www.vavilon.ru/texts/fanailova0.html, https://www.svoboda.org/author/8071.html |
David Filipov (Washington Post) Washington Post Bureau Chief in Moscow. Mail: David.Filipov@washpost.com See also: Washington Post, Follow @davidfilipov |
Ivan Grinko (MSSES) Candidate of Historical Sciences, Master of Arts in Cultural Management; lecturer at MSSES. |
Elena Korkina (Marina Tsvetaeva Memorial House-Museum) Candidate of Philological Sciences; Chief researcher at the Marina Tsvetaeva House-Museum, archivist, textologist. |
Michael Kovnat Head of Video/EP at Heleo Media. Follow @MichaelKovnat |
Elena Larina MSU Candidate of Historical Sciences; Docent, Department of Ethnology, History Faculty. |
Holly Morris Documentary director/producer; TV presenter. Follow @hollymorris |
Mikhail Pavlovets (NRU HSE) Candidate of Philological Sciences; Docent, School of Philology, Faculty of Humanities. Mail: mpavlovets@hse.ru More: https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/133783514 |
Elena Penskaya (NRU HSE) Dr.Habil. in Philology; Professor, School of Philology, Faculty of Humanities; deputy editor-in-chief «Вопросы образования» Mail: lpenskaya@hse.ru More: https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/135526 |
” alt=”” width=”300″ height=”294″> | Pavel Polian (Nerler) (NRU HSE) Dr.Habil. in Sociology; Professor, Director – Mandelstam Center Директор Mail: pavel.polian@gmail.com Еще: https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/8317783 |
Elena Rozhdestvenskaya (NRU HSE) Dr.Habil. in Sociology; Professor, Department of Sociology. Mail:erozhdestvenskaya@hse.ru Ещё:https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/3979527 |
Maria Rubins (University College London) PhD, Senior Lecturer in Russian Literature Mail: m.rubins@ucl.ac.uk |
Dmitry Sporov (MSU) Candidate of Historical Sciences; Head, Oral History Section, MSU Research Library. |
Sergey Strokan’ (“Коммерсант”) Journalist See also: https://www.kommersant.ru/authors/39 |
Ilya Venyavkin (InLiberty) Historian of Soviet culture; founder of «Прожито» project; director at InLiberty |
Tatiana Weiser (RANEPA, Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences) PhD in Social Philosophy, Graduate Coordinator of M.A. Program in Political Philosophy (MSSES); Docent, Department of Sociology and Philosophy (RANEPA) Mail: tianavaizer@yandex.ru More: http://www.msses.ru/about/teachers/238 |
James Wertsch (Washington University) Ph.D. in Educational Psychology; Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology. Mail: jwertsch@wustl.edu |
Yuri Zaretsky (NRU HSE) Dr. Habil. in History, Professor at School of Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities. Mail: yzaretsky@hse.ru |