Program – 2018

XХI Humanities Summer School

Higher School of Economics (NRU-HSE)
Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)

Preliminary Schedule: subject to change

Day 1. 26 August

11.30 Depart Moscow
14.00–14.30 Arrive in Yasnaya Polyana; accommodation at hotel
15.30–18.00 Tolstoy Estate Museum Tour
18.00–19.00 Dinner
19.00–22.00 Summer School Opening
Tea and mutual introductions. Maya Kucherskaya (NRU-HSE): “Another Person as an Interesting Story”

Day 2. 27 August
Writing at the University Level

8.00–9.00 Breakfast
9.00–10.45 Christopher Merrill (University of Iowa, USA) “Life of Discovery.”
Lecture followed by discussion.
10.45–11.15 Coffee break
11.15–13.00 Andrei Astvatsaturov (StPSU) “The Literary Workshop and Philology: Is Dialogue Possible?”
Lecture followed by discussion.
13.00–14.00 Lunch
14.00–15.45 Maureen Freely (Warrick University, GB) “Into the Academy.”
Lecture and discussion.
15.45–16.15 Coffee break
16.15–18.00 Aleksandra Bazhenova-Sorokina (NRU-HSE) “Narratology as a Practical Discipline: A Theory Course in a Writing Program”
18.00–19.00 Dinner
19.00–22.00 Diane Nemec Ignashev (Carleton College (США), MSU) “What Film Teaches Us About Writing”: Film Screening and Discussion

Day 3. 28 August
Variations on Working with Nonfiction

8.00–9.00 Breakfast
9.00–10.30 “Research and/as Compelling Writing: How to Make the Transformation?” Introductory recommendations from Christopher Merrill and Maureen Freely
10.30–11.00 Coffee break
11.00–12.30 Work in small groups
12.30–13.00 Summaries and conclusions
13.00–14.00 Lunch
14.00–15.45 Ekaterina Liamina (NRU-HSE) “How to Write about Oneself?” 
15.45–16.15 Coffee break
16.15–18.00 Aleksei Vdovin (NRU-HSE) “How to Write and Teach How to Write Biographies”
18.00–19.00 Dinner
19.00–22.00 Master Class with Andrei Astvatsaturov (StPSU) “Conflict and the Problem of Discommunication”

Day 4. 29 August
Creative Writing as an Academic Course: Goals, Means, and Opportunities

8.00–9.00 Breakfast
9.00–11.00 “Teaching Literature as Writing”: Discussion of Lev Tolstoy’s prose  (TBD)
11.00–11.30 Coffee break
11.30–13.00 The Creative Writing Course: How 
13.00–14.00 Lunch
14.00–15.30 Closing Roundtable: “Arguments for the Dean-Provost-President”: Why Today’s University Needs Courses in Creative Writing”
Certificate awards
Summer School Closing
16.00 Depart Yasnaya Polyana