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Modernist Classics on the Contemporary Media Landscape: Virginia Woolf
2018 April 27:15:00–19:00
Round table
Modernist Classics on the Contemporary Media Landscape:
Virginia Woolf
27 April 2018, 3:00 pm
MSU, Faculty of Philology, Room 1063
Reingold N. (RSUH) “On verbum/signum in the Works of Virginia Woolf and Their Film Adaptations”
Morzhenkova N. (MСU) “Visuality and Textuality: Virginia Woolf in / on Film”
Nemec-Ignashev D. (Carleton College, MSU) “Meandering Thoughts on Transmedia Adaptations”
Rybina P. (MSU) “Risk vs. Comfort: Screen Adaptations of Virginia Woolf and the Heritage Film”
5:00 pm – 5:30 pm Coffee break
Romanenko K. (HSE) “Feminism, the Faculty of Philology and Flush: Virginia Woolf on the Internet”
Ustinov A. (The Music Observer) “Virginia Woolf at Covent Garden: Woolf Works by W. McGregor and M. Richter”
Mukhamedzhanova-Gunt A. (GITIS) “The Mark on the Wall (Polina Fractall’s Adaptation for the Stage at the Electrotheatre Stanislavsky)”